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80th Annual Farmer Merchant Community Banquet



Who:   Sponsored by the Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce


What: Dinner served, live auction, silent auction and awards given

We are accepting auction donations now for the auctions


Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

Where: The Madison High School Gymnasium


Why:   To recognize our award winners in farming, business and special citizens awards in the Rexburg area.


Cost:   $30 per plate/Tickets available at the Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce

Again this year we offer tables that seat 12 or some that seat only 8

Tickets are $30
A table for 12 is only $300, save $60

            A table for 8 is only $220, save $20

Call 208-356-5700 or email info@rexburgchamber.com


Theme: We have chosen “Fields of Success” as our theme this year.

You may decorate your table if you buy any full table.


Immediate Contact:  208-356-5700 – Janet@rexburgchamber.com

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